The Magic of Osteopathy
Since the birth of Osteopathy 150 years ago, it has undergone various historical periods. With it, the interpretation, perception, and language surrounding Osteopathy have also shifted. But how did the original thinkers see and understand Osteopathy?
How Osteopathic Treatments Can Help You Achieve Better Sleep
Inadequate sleep can severely impact our health, weakening the immune system and increasing the risk of chronic conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Sleep disruption can also complicate emotional regulation, contributing to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. If you’re struggling with common sleep disturbances such as insomnia, restless nights, or sleep apnea, osteopathy might be an effective solution worth considering.
5 Ways Mindful Movement Can Enhance Your Health
Exercise is great for keeping fit, but sometimes we need more than just a workout to transform our health and wellness. By connecting mindfully to our bodies on a regular basis, there are profound benefits that can touch every aspect of our lives.
Osteopathy as a Holistic, Preventative Treatment for Children
It’s often said that children are very resilient. While this can be true, their bodies are working very hard in the background to adjust to life’s small and large traumas, both physically and emotionally, they experience along the way.
The Truth About X-Rays: You Are Not Just Your Bones
The human body is designed intelligently, with each system having an important function; the musculoskeletal system (our structure), the respiratory system (brings air into the body), muscles and joints (which support movement), fluids (transport nutrients in the body and excrete waste), and so much more.
Pain is not your destiny
The human body is not destined for disease, dysfunction, or pain. The human body is a perfectly designed machine created flawless in its ability to function, heal, grow and develop.
In osteopathy, we believe that the body, in any way it is, is already the perfect blueprint of life dwelling within all of us.
Do you have aches and pains? It May be Dehydration
Did you know that mild dehydration can be responsible for common aches and pains? Dehydration affects the body in many ways: one of them is through the connective tissues, responsible for the structure of other tissues and organs, as well as the transfer of nutrients within the body.
Allergies + Osteo
During allergy season we commonly see people come in with symptoms such as itching, runny nose, wheezing, watery or itchy eyes, head congestion etc. These symptoms are our body's way of communicating to us that it is working to defend itself from substances that should be seen as harmless to the body. Substances such as pollen, weeds and grasses commonly trigger an allergic response in susceptible people during spring and fall. An allergic reaction to pollen begins in the immune system; it causes an increase in histamine circulating in the body beginning the common allergy symptoms mentioned above.